SKU: EZTA Category: , Brand: Brand:
  • Better access and enhanced flexibility
  • Motorized laparoscopic fixation device of mesh in hernia repair
  • 65 degrees of articulation and interchangeable 10 tack reloads
  • Ergonomic handle for fatigue-free working
  • The tack is helical and made of Titanium (ASTM F136)
  • Single-use procedure and re-usable in the future. A fully disposable shaft
  • Step 3 Battery Life
  • green=>fully charge / yellow=>Available but requires charging / red=>Not available
  • Tack Count function

Individual components

Features Benefits
Handle ergonomic handle for fatigue-free working re-usable handle (rubber material)
Trigger Staples Launch button
Battery Lithium battery , Rechargeable battery (Blue-Fully, Green-Available but reguires charging, Red-not Available)
Counter convenient tacks count
Reset switch Staples re-count button
Power botton Power on / off button
Combine button Handle and shaft combine button
shaft1 housing shaft
shaft2 Angle shaft, 65 degrees , 10-tacks reload

Order information

Article number Individual components Designation
EZTA-01 1handle+1Housing shaft / 5 angle shaft / 10tacks complete, angle shaft 5mm, 10tack reloads
EZTA-02 handle automatic handle
EZTA-03 shaft1 Housing shaft
EZTA-04 shaft2 Angle shaft, 65 degress, 10tacks reloaded



Unit 5, 2nd floor, No. 21, Barman Building, corner of 1st Golestan, Moayeri St, 2nd SQ of Sadeghieh, Tehran





